General information

Important information before integrating the calculation of rates in our system.

Some clarifications:

Bet is a set of data for 1 outcome in a match made by a user. The bet can be part of both a single and an express.

Coupon is a set of bets or outcomes that a player places. The coupon consists of separate bets. If the coupon includes 1 bet, then it is a single bet. If the coupon includes more than one bet, it is an express bet.

To connect rate calculation in our system, you need to follow these steps:

1. Ask for a partner ID, and register your personal user in our system. User registration should be registered as follows:

Registering for the test server (where the integration will take place)

[email protected]

[email protected]

or for production server where your system will run

[email protected]

[email protected]

2. After the user is successfully registered, you need to log in to our system with the data that you provided during registration. Successful authorization is the fact that you returned an object with your user ID :

{"d": {"UserId": "1344225"}}

Also, upon successful authorization, cookies and session are returned in response. This data must be transmitted in order to save the bet with us.

3. Once you are logged in to our system, you can send us data to save your bet or coupon.

4. After the calculation of the bet, you will be sent the result of the COUPON (win, loss or return of the bet). Please note - We are sending the general result for the coupon , we do not send the result for a specific rate. If you need to receive data, you can take it yourself using the API at any time.

API parameters

List of parameters for API

Parameter Description
{HOST_API} Url to send requests to. Available from Administrator .
{PARTNER_ID_API} Number , which will be issued for the owner of the api. This partner number identifies you in the Shan system. Available from Administrator .
User registration:

First, you need to register a user through which bids will be accepted. This user will be one in our system, through this user, bets will be accepted.

RETURN attention to the nesting of data in the example: "registerModel"

Data upload type: POST

Url to which the request is sent:


Data to send:

Parameter Description
Email User Mail
Password User password
registr_phone User's phone number
currency User currency, 3 characters
partner partner id, issued during integration
ext_name The parameter that starts with ext_ is optional and will be available later as name or another name that will be specified.

Please note:

We do not require that you submit reliable data. You can specify the phone number and Currency - any

	$dataSend = array("registerModel"=>array(
		"Email"=>"[email protected]",

$request = WGet::post_request('{HOST_API}/WebServices/Mobile/BetsStoreService.asmx/Register/',json_encode($dataSend));

User authorization:

Url to which the request is sent:

{HOST_API} /WebServices/BCService.asmx/LogIn/

Data sending type: POST

Data to send:

Parameter Description
login User login
password User password

Attention! During authorization, cookies is received in response, this cookie must be saved, and on subsequent requests it must be sent.

An object is returned in response:

{"d": {"UserId": "1344225"}}

Inside it is the user ID if the authorization was successful. If authorization fails, then the object will be empty .


	$dataSend = array(
		"login"=>'[email protected]',

	$request = WGet::post_request('{HOST_API}/WebServices/BCService.asmx/LogIn/',json_encode($dataSend));

Save coupon

Please note that we do not require you to send real bet amounts in the coupon. You can specify a static number if you need it. For example "realAmount" => "1", will always come to us in the amount of 1USD. Although the user placed a completely different stake.

Url to which the request is sent:


Parameter Description
list_bets Betpointers - What is a betpointer
realAmount Bet Amount
currency Coupon Currency
lang Language in which we save the rate
remote_host Url to which we will then send the results of the coupon calculation

Option for accepting a coupon, depending on the change in the coefficient. reject - do not accept when changing the coefficient. accept - accept anyway. Default accept.

Please note that you need to specify the host of your site (test or production, it is to this URL that the results will be sent at the rate.)

remote_host - you need to specify without a slash, just the site url.

Sending will be carried out on url: hostUrl/api/bet/result

Example of sending data for SINGLE :


	$dataSend = array(

	$request = WGet::post_request('{HOST_API}/bet/place/',json_encode($dataSend));


Example of sending data for EXPRESS :


	$dataSend = array(
			"list_bets"=>array('live#187183313|17|9|0.5#1.02', 'line#217118313|1|1|0#3.12'),

	$request = WGet::post_request('{HOST_API}/bet/place/',json_encode($dataSend));


Answer to the sent SINGLE bet

IMPORTANT !!! You can save the data at your discretion, but the main thing is to save: betCode , it is on it that the status of the bet will come

	"betCode": "607vtec620",
    "status": 1,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "fullErrorCode": 0,
    "d": {
        "BetHeadDetail": {
            "LiveType": "Usual",
            "AmountOut": 30.85,
            "CoefOrig": 1.99,
            "BetCode": "607vtec620",
            "BetDate": 1581249549000,
            "Bet": 15.5,
            "Status": 1,
            "CountEvents": 1,
            "BetId": "607vtec620",
            "Coef": 1.99,
            "IsLive": false,
            "PosWin": 30.85
    "__type": "BR.Web.BLL.Objects.Bets.BetInfo",
    "BetsContentDataList": [
            "LinesId": 224751652,
            "CountResults": 0,
            "Outcome": 1,
            "TournamentName": "Spanish Championship. Example",
             "IsBonus": false,
             "CoefOrig": 1.99,
             "Coef": 1.99,
             "BetName": "P1",
             "Result": "No result yet",
             "SportId": 1,
             "IsLive": true,
             "EventDate": 1581245100000,
             Teams: Espanyol - Mallorca

    "errorMessage": ""


Response to the sent EXPRESS rate

IMPORTANT !!! You can save the data at your discretion, but the main thing is to save: betCode , it is on it that the status of the bet will come

	"betCode": "76r9i02g9x",
    "status": 1,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "fullErrorCode": 0,
    "d": {
        "BetHeadDetail": {
            "LiveType": "Usual",
            "AmountOut": 1843.5,
            "BetCode": "76r9i02g9x",
            "BetDate": 1597146488000,
            "Bet": 150,
            "Status": 1,
            "CountEvents": 2,
            "BetId": "76r9i02g9x",
            "Coef": 12.29,
            "PosWin": 1843.5
    "__type": "BR.Web.BLL.Objects.Bets.BetInfo",
    "BetsContentDataList": [{
         "LinesId": 250614983,
         "Outcome": 1,
         "TournamentName": "China Championship",
         "Coef": 4.82,
         "BetName": "Total (2.5) B",
         "Result": "No result yet",
         "SportId": 1,
         "IsLive": true,
         "EventDate": 1597139100000,
         "Teams": "Shijiazhuang Ever Bright - Tianjin Teda",
     }, {
         "LinesId": 250612386,
         "Outcome": 1,
         "TournamentName": "KVO. Championship of South Korea",
         "Coef": 2.55,
         "BetName": "Handicap 1 (-4.5)",
         "Result": "No result yet",
         "SportId": 5,
         "IsLive": true,
         "EventDate": 1597138200000,
         "Teams": "Dusan Bears - Samsung Lions",
    "errorMessage": ""


Description of fields in response:

Parameter Description

Unique bet number in our system


This field can have two values.

  • 0 is good. Coupon accepted.
  • 1 - failure

If the " errorCode" field is 1. You can check the fullErrorCode field.

This field can have different values.

  • 0 is good. Coupon accepted.
  • 1 - Unable to get totals or data is corrupted.
  • 3 - Result does not exist.
  • 99 - Unknown error

System error labels are stored in text format

error_exist_bet - there is no such outcome anymore

error_repeat_bet_data - bets from one match on different events. For example, W2 and Total over 1 were added to the express from the same match.

error_block_bet_data - the bet is currently temporarily blocked for acceptance.

AmountOut - PosWin

Coupon winning amount

betCode - BetId

Unique bet number in our system


User bet


Number of bets per coupon


Odds per outcome


Where the bet was made. In line or in Live. Can take values: false or true


Go to match


Match date

Sending calculation results and coupon statuses

When a bet is added to our system and calculated, a COUPON result is sent to you. Please note that you receive a RESULT or COUPON STATUS . If you need coupon rate data , see the API below.

Example of sending data:

    "remote_host": "",
    "Heads": [{
        "KeyHead": {
            "Id": "344143",
            "BarCode": "x9c52i8411"
        "Status": 2,
        "ExtStatus": 0,
        "AmountOut": 11130,
        "DateRecive": "1597075782"

	"remote_host": "",
	"Heads": [{
		"KeyHead": {
			"Id": "313",
			"BarCode": "75vz48t935"
		"Status": 2,
		"ExtStatus": 0,
		"AmountOut": 19.85,
		"DateRecive": "1592937968"
	}, {
		"KeyHead": {
			"Id": "312",
			"BarCode": "77i0r6e15t"
		"Status": 2,
		"ExtStatus": 0,
		"AmountOut": 12.51,
		"DateRecive": "1592937280"



You need to check the Status; fields and optionally ExtStatus .

This Status field can have different values.

  • 2 - coupon won
  • 4 - the coupon is calculated as a loss

This ExtStatus field has two values.

  • 0 - coupon has no changes.
  • 1 - One or more games in the coupon are calculated with a change in the odds.

ExtStatus = 1.

For example, this happens when the game has been canceled. The game will be settled with odds 1.

Summing up the statuses:

Status = 2 and ExtStatus = 0 - Win ;

Status = 4 and ExtStatus = 0 - Lost;

Status = 2 and ExtStatus = 1 - Return (by default, we specify the coefficient 1)


You need to recalculate the coupon if we send a new status.

For example. We sent status 4. And later we can send status 2. You need to add money to the user.

And also. We sent status 2. And later we can send status 4. You should charge the user's money. This is due to the fact that sometimes the wrong score of the match comes. In this case, we perform the recalculation manually

Parameter Description
Id The ID of the bet in our system can be ignored.
BarCode Unique coupon number
Status Coupon status. Maybe Win = 2, Lose = 4, Refund.
ExtStatus Coupon distribution status, if there was a refund. It can take two values. 0 and 1.
AmountOut Possible winnings
DateRecive Date and time of calculation